Rust `serde` Practical Guide


Often it is necessary to serialize or deserialize a user defined structure into some format on wire or on disk. For example, serializing a struct to a JSON while working with REST APIs. Rust's serde crate provides functionality to make this quite straight forward. While using serde, often, using the derive macros Serialize and DeSerialize on a user defined structure is usually good enough. Things start to get little challenging, when one has to customize the serialize/deserialize behavior. While serde provides a number of attributes to make this easier, there are still some cases where one might be required to do little more than simply using those attributes. To a first time user of serde, it can be quite daunting especially when one reads example code that has very similar looking structs or traits like Serialize, Serializer etc and one is not quite sure what they should do to get started. In this blog we will primarily be looking at the cases where the user has to perform such customizations along with some other practical tips. One goal of this post is to also help reader in understanding the excellent serde documentation, which at-least I have found challenging reading first few times.

Some Concepts

In serde there are many 'traits'/'structs' that have similar looking names and that makes it a bit confusing. First, let's take a look at those -

  1. There are two derive macros Serialize and DeSerialize.
  2. There are also traits with same name as Serialize and DeSerialize.
  3. Also there are additional traits Serializer and DeSerializer.

We'll now see how they are related. In serde there are primarily two concepts, data structures and data formats.

A 'Data Structure' is typically any Rust user defined type. One will typically implement the trait Serialize and/or DeSerialize for these structures. If one simply wishes to use the sensible defaults that serde provides, these traits can be implemented using the derive macros above. For most common use cases this is suffice. There are cases, when one has to implement these 'traits' by hand. We will see some examples of that shortly.

A 'Data Format' on the other hand is something that represents a structure on wire (or on disk) and it needs to know how individual fields in a struct map to their on wire representation. In serde an example of a Data Format is JSON. Typically, third party crates ( eg serde_json) will implement sensible defaults for such serialization and de-serialization part for a given data format, this they will typically do by implementing a Serializer and/or Deserializer trait from the serde crate on a struct defined in that trait. For example, you will see a struct Serializer from the crate serde-json that implements the Serializer trait from the crate serde.

Also, note that once Serialize/DeSerialize trait is implemented on a data structure, it can be used with any data format. The 'Data Structure's and 'Data Format' interact through what is called as serde Data Model

Simplest thing to keep in mind is -

  1. If you are just defining new 'struct's that have to be represented on wire using one of the supported 'Data Formats', simply using derive macros is enough.
  2. If you need to tweak the implementation of a serializer or a de-serializer, you may need to implement the Serialize/DeSerialize trait for your structure, but before that see if the attributes provided by serde are sufficient.
  3. If you are defining a new on wire or an on disk format, you will need to implement the Serializer/DeSerializer in your crate on one of the structures from your crate.

Custom Serialization/Deserialization

To help understand the concepts described in the previous section, let's look at some examples. serde's documentation is quite detailed for the built-in customization. Such a customization is possible over a container type (like a struct or an enum) or a variant of an enum or individual field of a struct. All available options are described here). But it's possible to even go beyond what is provided by default. Some examples are available that explain some more custom serialization.

In the following discussions we will be talking a lot about JSON data format, but the discussion remains just as much applicable for other data formats, JSON being very common, most of our examples focus on that. We will take a couple of more examples of 'custom' serialization.

Custom Serialization Example (integers as hex)

Let's say we have a field in a struct that is some integer type (say u16), the default serialization behavior for integer types in serde is the decimal representation of the integer. However if we would like to serialize this field to it's hex representation, there are a couple of ways this can be done. First, one can define a wrapping struct type on the integer type and then implement Serialize (or Deserialize) for it that looks something like below (Please note we are not using a #[derive(Serialize)] on the wrapping struct below.

// No `[#derive(Serialize)] on this struct (or else it will use default decimal).
struct U16(u16);

impl Serialize for U16 {
    fn serialize(&serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,

struct Foo {
    bar: U16,

However, defining a wrapping struct just for this alone is often too much of boilerplate code, instead we can use a field attribute on the struct and simply derive Serialize on rest of the struct.

struct Foo {
    bar: u16,

fn number_as_hex(value: u16, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Result>
        S: Serializer,
    serializer.serialize_str(format!("0x02x", value).as_str())

This is much lesser boilerplate code achieving the same result. Note here, while we are implementing the trait Serialize on the struct, the trait in the where clause is a Serializer. Also, the method serialize_str is one of the trait methods of the Serializer trait. The Serializer trait defines methods for all the Rust primitive and other types like struct, enum etc. This trait will typically be implemented by a crate that is implementing the Data Format.

Custom Deserialization example (Default when JSON null)

In many APIs there might be some fields which are optional or if present null and in such cases, we may want to use the default value of the field type if it exists (ie if the field type implements Default trait). This can be done by again implementing a custom 'deserialization' function as follows)

struct Foo {
   #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_null_default")]
   value: String,

fn deserialize_null_default<'de, D, T>(deserializer: D) -> Result<T, D::Error>
    T: Default + Deserialize<'de>,
    D: Deserializer<'de>,
    let opt = Option::deserialize(deserializer)?;

Note the trait bounds for the types T and D. T in this case is the Data Structure (which implements Deserialize trait, but in this example it also has to implement a Default trait, since we need default value), D is the Data Format type that implements Deserializer trait.

Custom Serialization of Trait objects

Sometimes, it's possible that a structure that we are serializing has got a field that is a type implementing a trait eg A vector of Box<dyn CustomTrait>. It is possible to simply skip serializing that particular field or in some cases it may even be required to be able to Serialize (and Deserialize) that field. This is a bit involved and erased_serde crate provides the functionality and performs the heavy lifting for it. Usually a couple of things are required to be done. The trait whose trait objects are to be serialized will have to be Sub trait of erased_serde::Serialize. This is explained in the documentation of erased_serde.

We will look at a concrete example from one of the projects that we implemented where this feature of serde was quite handy. We wanted to 'dump' contents of a Packet after parsing individual layers in the packet as a Json. Each of these layers implemented a Layer trait and a packet was a collection of all such Layer traits. An additional requirement was that each Layer is to be identified by it's Layer name ( A function to obtain that was already a required method in the Layer trait.). The following code shows the details of this implementation. We are mostly highlighting the parts that are important. A complete example can be seen in the repository in and

use erased_serde::serialize_trait_object;

pub trait Layer: Debug + erased_serde::Serialize {



#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize)]
pub struct Packet<'a> {
    #[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_layers_as_struct")]
    pub layers: Vec<Box<dyn Layer>>,

fn serialize_layers_as_struct<S>(
    layers: &Vec<Box<dyn Layer>>,
    serializer: S,
) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
    S: Serializer,
    let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("layers", layers.len())?;
    for layer in layers {
        state.serialize_field(layer.short_name(), layer)?;

In the example above even though the field layers is a Vec, since we want to be able to have the name of each layer available along with the it's serialized value, we are implementing a custom serialize function where the Vec is actually serialized as a struct using the Serializer trait's serialize_struct method and individual members of the Vec are serialized as if they were struct fields. This achieves our desired output.


In this post we looked at some of the ways Serialization and Deserialization of Rust types can be customized. Some of the important things to remember are -

  1. Serialize is a trait that is to be implemented by the Data Structure to be serialized.
  2. Serializer is a trait that is to be implemented by the struct (or any type) implementing a Data Format.
  3. Typically a Data Format implementor will provide an API that will internally - generate a serializer struct (implementing the Serializer trait), pass the instance of the serializer struct to the serialize method of the value (defined in Serialize trait) and returns the result (often a String or u8 buffer.)

Most examples in this blog post are taken from the scalpel packet dissection crate.