Python Project Workflows - Part 1

In a Python based development, tools like `pylint`, `pipenv` and `virtualenv` become important pieces of your development workflow. In the first part of the series of blog posts, we look at overview of the issues that become important as the scope of the project and size of the team working on project increases. In later posts in these series, we would try to address these issues one by one, we look at starting a project, identifying and resolving dependencies 'correctly', why reproducible builds matter, how to separate development and production environment and eventually how to containerize the application.


Linux VRF with MPLS for L3-VPN

VRF support for Linux was added in kernel 4.5. In the Linux netdev 1.1 conference, there was a talk about this support, which showed one of the use-case as MPLS-VPN. This blog post tries to re-create the setup from demo on a kernel 4.15.


Linux Virtual Interfaces

Linux supports `veth` and `tun/tap` types of virtual interfaces, which are used by VMs, Containers for providing networking. This post summarizes certain findings as a result of experimenting these virtual interfaces along with Linux's Ethernet bridge.


Using Python Context Manager for Profiling

Profiling your code to identify hotspots or potential performance issues can prove quite useful. Python provides a `cProfile` package in the standard library provides this functionality for deterministic profiling. Usually, one might want to have an ability to turn profiling on and off at the run-time if possible. We explore a mechanism based on context managers in Python (Python `with` syntax) to be able to do so.


So Vector Operations Are Fast, Right?

Recently, for one of the projects we are working on, I was looking at processing data from Pandas panel. I wanted to find out certain `items` in a Panel based on certain criteria on the `minor axis`. I worked with two flavors and the findings for different data-sets are quite interesting. Something that would definitely qualify as an interesting learning. We discuss, how profiling can be successfully used to explain certain Performance behavior, that often looks counter-intuitive.